Saturday, October 22, 2011

What's going on?

Let's see...what's going on?

-I plan to finish my novel for NaNoWriMo next month. I have some edits I need to do before it starts. Take out some of the dialogue and work on my voice. It's all over the place right now. Probably why I less than secretly hate it.

-I have a job interview on Monday. I feel kind of meh about it. I would love a regular paycheck again but the type of work is less than inspiring. Either way I'm going into it with a good attitude. It'll be awesome to buy Christmas gifts for everyone.

-My bestie had a gorgeous baby boy a few weeks ago. It's so cool and kind of surreal that she's a mom now. I know she'll do a great job, she's been "momming" me since 6th grade. Seriously...

-My now 2-year old niece "Cookie" is spending the night and she's needlessly close to me in this bed right now. I never think I need a larger bed until someone else is in it all in my space.

-Follow up to the last point, I need to work on my social life.

-I'm starting a REAL school in the beginning of the year. I say real because the last few schools I enrolled in turned out to be a joke. Look, if I'm about to go into hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to get this degree I need it to be from a well respected school.

-I'm still on the fence about what to major in, I know I want to write as a career but I'm scared to get a degree in English. *shrugs* I guess fear be damned, huh? I'm going to be a writer. This is a fact.

-Because of the last point, I'll probably be poor forever. I think I'm okay with that as long as I can move out of my mother's house in the next year. I need my own space.

-I REALLY want to move to Seattle. No idea why. It's on my vision board, though. Maybe a year or 2 of school here and the rest of my schoolin' in WA? I think one of the big reasons is because every time I bring it up my mom tries to talk me out of it. I've been less than secretly applying for jobs out there.

-I want another puppy. One that I'm not allergic to. I know me and last puppy had a rough go but as soon as I settled in with the idea of not giving up on being a puppy parent I discovered that he was the reason my eyes were sealed shut every morning.

I think that's all I got for now. How is everyone who is still reading doing? What's going on in your world?

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